Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Utterly Random (and no doubt useless) Tuesday Musings

Not sure where I heard this...either TV or radio...that once a woman reaches a certain age she has to work out at a gym for an hour a day *just* to maintain status quo!  Dieting alone won't make one iota difference.....we MUST endure a one hour workout at the gym....how depressing!
(Oh wait...perhaps it was an ad for a local gym?  yeah...that's probably true!!!)
Just saw an ad on TV for bottled water.  They claim that substituting one bottle of water for one 16 oz serving of soda pop will save me over 50,000...yes, fifty THOUSAND calories in a year.  Well, hell.....I pretty much quit drinking sodas (and I used to drink Diet Coke by the gallon until I read the fake sweetener research that told me it was doing inestimable damage to my liver) so where can I apply for my calorie savings?

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