Friday, July 29, 2011

Hmmmm...I'm Harboring A "Noxious Weed"...Who Knew?

Got an interesting envelope in yesterday's mail from the "Pierce County Department Of Noxious Weeds".  Seriously?  How does one introduce himself (I instinctively know there are no women working in this department) when he arrives at a party?  I'd probably just say "I work for the county..." and change the subject.
Sooooo  the contents of this letter informed me that I may be in violation of some *LAW* because I have "Tansy Ragwort" in my yard.  I've certainly heard of it, and I do know it is toxic to wildlife and livestock (who won't eat it anyway) but I had no idea it was against the law to allow weeds to exist on my unmowed property.  They were nice enough to send me a brochure with a picture so I headed out to the yard to take a look-see.  Well, I counted under a dozen of the evil things.  Gotta put my gloves on and pull those buggers out before I land in jail!

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