Sunday, July 17, 2011

So Long! Farewell!

Hate to say it, but I was happy to say good bye to Baxter, Meme and "da bird" Piper this morning.  I'd say good bye to the cat, but she never let it be known she was THERE (other than the disappearing food in the bowl, and the mounds of poop in the bathtub) let's just say I'm glad the cat was at Bonnie's house, and not here.
Baxter is 12 years old.  I have to say he looks fantastic, although he is a little creaky in the joints and his hearing is almost nonexistent.  His plumbing is also suspect, so when he asks to go out every two hours, I comply because I hate cleaning up ANY time, let alone in the middle of the night.  Only problem is that I can't just simply open the door and let him out.  I have to lock the puppies in my room, so they pitch a fit.  This means I actually have to WAKE UP as opposed to just waking up half way, so once Baxter comes back inside and I go back to bed, I can't go back to sleep!
Velvet was absolutely, positively OBSESSED with the bird.  I kept the cage on Baxter's crate (this is a HUGE crate that stands close to 36" high....tall enough to be relatively safe for a bird, right?  Wrong.)  Velvet spent all her waking hours trying to figure how to hurdle over my computer desk, over me, over Meme's crate (with food bins on top) and as I stated previously, she was successful in plucking a tail feather.
So I was most happy to see them all packed up and down the road, thinking "out of sight, out of mind" where Velvet and Piper were concerned.  I just let the dogs out and here comes Velvet, apparently convinced the bird is playing hide and seek with her, or perhaps it has a cloak of invisibility on?  GIVE IT A REST FOR GAWD SAKE!  I've seen stud dogs showing less interest in bitches in heat!!!!
Yes, the crew is returning in August when Bonnie goes on a trip.  I think Piper's cage will be kept on the bar.....I really don't think Velvet can come close to reaching that without a step stool! 

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