Thursday, July 14, 2011

Pollyanna Graduated From Puppy Kindergarten!

We attended our final PetSmart class last night.  We won't be going back due to financial "issues" and will now focus on hanging out at dog shows and the occasional fun match (there are two in august that we will be attending) before Polly can actually enter dog shows in October after she turns 6 months of age....she missed eligibility for the 2011 national specialty by six days, although she will still be a puppy for the 2012 specialty in WI!
Our class was divided into pairs and we played "obedience tic tac toe".  Polly was paired with "Moose" the yellow Labrador Retriever, and although she ACED the competiton by behaving PERFECTLY (sit stay for 10 seconds, watch me for 10 seconds, come when called and sit) to give Moose credit, he drew harder tasks and since he is SO boisterous and exhuberant and the room is just too small to DO much of anything) he did pretty darn well.  Polly has also been working on learning a trick for graduation night and she got to show that off.  Very early on she learned to sit on a step stool.  So I taught her to sit UP on the step stool!  Unfortunately, SHE is growing like a weed, and the step stool is getting too small for her.  But she still managed to do her trick for graduation night,  I was so proud of her. :)
Although I was initially concerned about our trainer's experience (or lack thereof), the size of the class, and the overall nature of the "rowdies" in the class, it was a positive experience for both myself and Polly. I felt like nearly everyone attending was motivated to train their puppies and train they did.  I hope they continue on and wish them all success.

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