Saturday, July 9, 2011

Oh Wait.....I Forgot I Have Another Diss!

This morning on the radio I heard several Rosetta Stone advertisements.  Basically, these people want the entire world to learn a second language in hopes we will all just learn to get along better and "understand everyone".
Ah.....well, here's a BRILLIANT suggestion!  Let's start by teaching all of those people who call the US *HOME* yet don't understand one single, flipping word of English.  Does this make me a bigot?  Prejudiced?  Realistic? A Redneck?  Well, I am truly sorry, but I can safely say I would NEVER, EVER move to a foreign country expecting to be waited on hand and foot, take advantage of "the system" and not learn the prevailing language.  When Rosetta Stone wants to pay me to learn to speak fluent (fill in language of choice here) I'll do it gladly!

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