Sunday, July 10, 2011

Now, that was a loooong day.

Just got back from a day judging 4H dog agility (prequalifier for state fair) for Kittitas County over in eastern WA.  We were in Ellensburg.  Although the weather forecast threatened 80's today, it was mostly overcast and fairly comfortable almost all day-for dogs, kids *and* me.  I did manage to get a bit of a sunburn but hey-I can get sunburned when there isn't ANY sun so there.  Kathy Kail tells me I need to add photos to my blog, so I took a picture of the excellent standard course (well, part of it) and a group picture of me, the kids, and most of the competing dogs.  Bet you can't tell which one is me, can you? :D

I had a really great time-other than spending over 6 hours driving round trip....blech....but the kids were great, in spite of many of the dogs who had attitudes and knew what to do with them.  I found the standard message of the day I delivered  was "you are too nice to your need to use your 'I'm serious' voice."  One dog in particular was horrid in his morning run-he left the course several times, pee'd on the fence....his demeanor was quite embarrassing to his young handler, although she never showed any emotion.  I told her "your next run-you need to sound "mean" you are ANGRY with him.  To give her credit, she listened to my advice, and turned in a creditible performance.  By their third run, he was totally in tune with her and they got another great performance!  Another memorable day came with our lone excellent class entry.  I set up two very difficult (AKC-level excellent courses I stole from a recent trial) but in standard I could tell teamwork was lacking, and the duo did not Q.  However, by the afternoon, the team turned in a PERFECT performance in Jumpers.  I was so pleased for them! :)  But hey, Q or not, I was genuinely pleased with all of them.  Good sports, Q or no Q.....everyone cheered for everyone else Q or no Q.....lots of comaraderie and I left with GOOD thoughts about my assignment judging them again during their county fair (or what they settle for as fair....their fair is actually too late to be used for state qualifications, so they actually have their 4H competition the first week of August!  But long drive notwithstanding, I am looking forward to it!

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