Saturday, July 9, 2011

Let's Start With Dissing Yelm Starbucks

Lots to talk about today, so decided to post in manageable "bytes" get it?  bwwwwaaaaahhhhh....
Off to agility class with Dodger early this AM (for reasons discussed in another post shortly!) stopped at Yelm Starbucks drive through.
Starbucks: "good morning!  What can we get started for you today?"
Me:  "I'd like a grande iced mocha in a venti cup with extra ice, please."
Starbucks:  "that was a iced mocha with what again?"
Me:  "grande iced mocha in a venti cup with extra ice."
Starbucks:  "grande iced mocha in a venti cup, right?  Did you want extra whip or what?"
Me: "no....just a GRANDE iced mocha in a VENTI cup then add extra ice to fill it."  (seriously, I do this ALL THE TIME.....)
Starbucks:  "ohhhhhh....Grande mocha ICED, in a venti cup with extra ice....I'll have the total at the window."
At this point I am sitting in a line of four cars in front of me, and NO ONE is moving.  I look at the clock.  It is 10 full minutes before I arrive at the window.
As I start to hand her my card, the very nice person turns to me, starts to take my card, and says "your total comes to $12.94.  I keep my hold on my card and say "ummm....I don't think so..." she looks very surprised and starts rattling off some order that is CLEARLY not mine.
(Oh goody!  I get to repeat my order yet again!)
Me:  "I ordered a GRANDE iced mocha...."
She turns away from me and starts to relay my order to the barrista, so she doesn't get my entire order.  Then she turns to me and says "is that all?"  I said
"well, I wanted it in a VENTI cup..."
Again, she turns away from me to relay my order to the barrista.
Then she turns to me and says "did you want whip on that?"  (had she NOT interrupted me by attempting to relay my incomplete order TWICE she would have received an affirmative response.....but I just smiled and nodded.
Then she very sweetly apologized and said she was trying to multi-task.  I said "yeah....kinda busy today....I had to wait a while!"  She said "no, actually the wait isn't that bad...."
Oh dear.....customer service skills bells and whistles going off in my brain!  I just smiled back at her and said "no...really.....I've never had to wait this long for an's now been over 10 minutes."
She turned to her cash register and CORRECTED me by telling me, oh no, it shows your order time right here....."
I looked at her and said "yes.....that is the order YOU placed when I appeared at your window and found my initial order had not been placed!"
Although she did not say anything to me, I could see the "oh duh..." look in her eyes.
And then I waited.....and then the barrista started to hand me a cold drink that was CLEARLY NOT WHAT I ORDERED!  I didn't even take it from her....I just said "ummm....that looks wrong."  She said "why?  What's wrong with it?"
I said "I ordered.....a grande iced mocha in a venti cup...with extra ice."
After about a WEEK I did get my correct order....I just hope no one spit in it!  I think I need to find a new starbucks, or better yet, a privately owned place WHO CARES ABOUT CUSTOMER SERVICE.

End of vent... :)

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